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Eine Wettabgabe ist dann erst nach 5 Minuten Wartezeit wieder möglich.
- 20:45
- 1200 m
- 3.475 EUR
- 14 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 1, 10, 13
Flachrennen Females, 3 years Conditions Race
- 1. Summit (12)
- 2. A Ver Si Puedo (3)
- 3. Espiritu Indomito (2)
- 21:15
- 2000 m
- 38.759 EUR
- 11 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 1, 7, 10
Las Oaks S. ( Grade I )
Flachrennen Females, 3 years Group I
- 1. Cassis Violeta (3)
- 2. Play For Me (5)
- 3. La Crosse (2)
- 21:45
- 1200 m
- 2.633 EUR
- 16 Starter
Black In Black H
Flachrennen All horses, 3 years and more Handicap
- 1. Malandro (16)
- 2. La Panthere (14)
- 3. Sweet Child (12)
- 22:22
- 1200 m
- 2.499 EUR
- 13 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 2, 3, 13
Bahana Cat H.
Flachrennen All horses, 3 years and more Handicap
- 1. Perfecta Actitud (10)
- 2. Bicampeon Chileno (6)
- 3. Sassi (8)
- 22:53
- 1200 m
- 2.967 EUR
- 12 Starter
Burdeos H.
Flachrennen All horses, 3 years and more Handicap
- 1. Rechazado (1)
- 2. El Curandero (8)
- 3. Kandozi (7)
- 23:24
- 1000 m
- 2.326 EUR
- 15 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 2
Best Buy H.
Flachrennen All horses, 3 years and more Handicap
- 1. El Que La Lleva (6)
- 2. Blue Kentucky Girl (14)
- 3. Iron Bit (5)
- 20:45
- 1200 m
- 3.475 EUR
- Females, 3 years
- 21:15
- 2000 m
- 38.759 EUR
- Females, 3 years
- 21:45
- 1200 m
- 2.633 EUR
- All horses, 3 years and more
- 22:22
- 1200 m
- 2.499 EUR
- All horses, 3 years and more
- 22:53
- 1200 m
- 2.967 EUR
- All horses, 3 years and more
- 23:24
- 1000 m
- 2.326 EUR
- All horses, 3 years and more