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Eine Wettabgabe ist dann erst nach 5 Minuten Wartezeit wieder möglich.
- 18:45
- 1200 m
- 4.057 EUR
- 8 Starter
Premio Ajool 2019
Flachrennen Females, 5 years and more Conditions Race
Super 4
- 1. Shy Pampita (8)
- 2. Bajan Creole (7)
- 3. Alta Key (2)
- 19:18
- 1000 m
- 4.548 EUR
- 9 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 7
Premio Quendom
Flachrennen Females and Males, 4 years Conditions Race
Super 4
- 1. Sin Trucos (1)
- 2. Secret Blue (8)
- 3. Dolittle (2)
- 19:50
- 2000 m
- 8.020 EUR
- 8 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 3
Premio Joy Neverland 2021
Flachrennen Females, 3 years Conditions Race
Super 4
- 1. Safe With Me (6)
- 2. Omari (4)
- 3. Sharmina (8)
- 20:22
- 2000 m
- 8.020 EUR
- 12 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 4
Premio Dona Naif 2023
Flachrennen Females and Males, 3 years Conditions Race
- 1. Mar De Honor (6)
- 2. Fauces (12)
- 3. On The Rock (9)
- 20:55
- 2000 m
- 8.718 EUR
- 5 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 1, 4
Premio Zillion Stars 2022
Flachrennen Females, 3 years Conditions Race
Super 4
- 1. Baby Ruth (2)
- 2. Diana Si (5)
- 3. Bandida Soy (3)
- 21:25
- 2000 m
- 8.718 EUR
- 13 Starter
- Nichtstarter: 8
Premio Satu 2023
Flachrennen Females and Males, 3 years Conditions Race
- 1. Beatles (12)
- 2. El Quetrihue (5)
- 3. Southern Secret (1)
- 21:55
- 1400 m
- 12.219 EUR
- 9 Starter
Clasico Invasor S. ( Grade Iii )
Flachrennen All horses, 3 years and more Group Iii
- 1. Don Latido (3)
- 2. El Exito (7)
- 3. Rio Felipin (9)
- 22:30
- 2000 m
- 12.915 EUR
- 9 Starter
Clasico Blue Prize (C) S.
Flachrennen Females, 3 years and more Conditions Race
- 1. India Cheat (5)
- 2. Reina Casada (8)
- 3. Narayana (6)
- 23:00
- 1400 m
- 5.019 EUR
- 7 Starter
Premio Dona Gota 2020
Flachrennen Females and Males, 4 years Conditions Race
- 1. Notingham (4)
- 2. Este Es Mio (5)
- 3. Be My Hero (2)
- 23:32
- 1200 m
- 3.812 EUR
- 8 Starter
Premio Elogiado 2018
Flachrennen Females, 5 years and more Conditions Race
- 1. Indian Curry (6)
- 2. Missoula (8)
- 3. Chau Mariu (7)
- 18:45
- 1200 m
- 4.057 EUR
- Females, 5 years and more
- 19:18
- 1000 m
- 4.548 EUR
- Females and Males, 4 years
- 19:50
- 2000 m
- 8.020 EUR
- Females, 3 years
Premio Joy Neverland 2021
- 20:22
- 2000 m
- 8.020 EUR
- Females and Males, 3 years
- 20:55
- 2000 m
- 8.718 EUR
- Females, 3 years
Premio Zillion Stars 2022
- 21:25
- 2000 m
- 8.718 EUR
- Females and Males, 3 years
- 21:55
- 1400 m
- 12.219 EUR
- All horses, 3 years and more
Clasico Invasor S. ( Grade Iii )
- 22:30
- 2000 m
- 12.915 EUR
- Females, 3 years and more
Clasico Blue Prize (C) S.
- 23:00
- 1400 m
- 5.019 EUR
- Females and Males, 4 years
- 23:32
- 1200 m
- 3.812 EUR
- Females, 5 years and more