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FOR TEXAS ACCREDITED FOUR YEAR OLDS AND UPWARD. No nomination fee. $500 due at time of entry. Starters to pay an additional $500. Supplemental nominations in the amount of $2,000 may be made at time of entry and shall include all fees. $75,000 Added from the TTA Event Fund. The monies to be distributed: $1,000 to all starters sixth through last. The remaining balance to be distributed: 60% to the winner, 20% to second, 11% to third 6% to fourth and 3% to fifth. Any monies in excess of $75,000 will be added to the open purse amount. Weight: 123 lbs. Non-winners of a Sweepstakes at a mile or over since August 15, 2024 allowed 3 lbs. Two races at a mile or over since August 15, 2024 allowed 5 lbs. A race at any distance since August 15, 2024 allowed 7 lbs. (Maiden, Claiming and Starter races not considered in weight allowances.) Starters to be named through the entry box by the usual time of closing. This race will be limited to twelve starters with preference to horses with the highest earnings in 2024 -2025 at the time of entry. Horses not drawing a starting position in the gate will receive a refund of the entry fee. Starters to be named through the entry box by the usual time of closing. A trophy will be presented to the winning owner.