FOR ACCREDITED OKLAHOMA-BREDS, THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARD. Free nomination by Friday, March 14, 2025, or by supplemental nomination of $550 each by the closing time of entries. Nominations closed with seventeen (17). $500 to pass the entry box. Starters to pay an additional $250, with $55,000 guaranteed - $20,000 from WRD purse account, $25,000 from TRAO, $5,000 from the Oklahoma-Bred Program and $5,000 from OBF Breeders Awards. $50,000 of the $55,000 guaranteed money will be divided 60% to the winner, 20% to second, 11% to third, 6% to fourth and 3% to fifth. Oklahoma-Bred money to be divided 60% to the winner, 20% to second, 11% to third, 6% to fourth, and 3% to fifth. Weights: Three-Year-Olds, 120 lbs.; Older, 126 lbs. Non-winners of $30,000 twice in 2024-25 allowed 3 lbs.; of $30,000 once in 2024-25, 6 lbs. Starters to be named through the entry box by usual time of entry. This race will be limited to 12 starters. In the event the race overfills, highest earnings in 2024-25 shall be preferred. Therewill be no also-eligibles. A suitable award will be presented to the winning owner. A custom saddle towel will be ordered for and given to each entrant. THE ADMINISTRATION OF LASIX WITHIN 48 HOURS OF RACE TIME IS NOT PERMITTED.